
Significance of 7th March Speech

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's speech on 7th March is the main inspiration of our liberation war. It carries a huge importance in our national life. This burning statement is a part of the documentary heritage of the world. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman gave this speech in March 1971 at the then Racecourse Ground (now Suhrawardy Udyan). In this speech, Bangabandhu declared, "This struggle is for our freedom, this struggle is for our independence." After this speech, people from all walks of life were ready to take part in the liberation war. The March 7th speech has inspired nearly two million Bengalis. The speech has touched the lives of every Bangladeshi. Even after 1971, this speech has encouraged all other movements in Bangladesh. In this speech he urged the people to transform every house into a fort. He announced to the people to take up arms against the enemy. In his speech, he described the brutal actions of the West Pakistani rulers. The importance of the 7th March speech is immense. The March speech was an impressive declaration for the nation that we must unite and liberate our country from the enemy. Now it is a matter of great pride for us that UNESCO has recognized the speech and the whole world will be able to know about our liberation war.

Word meaning:

burning statement-জ্বলন্ত বিবৃতি
brutal-নিষ্ঠুর, বর্বর, পাশবিক